Wednesday 11 May 2011

Hamburglar strikes again!

PROOF m'lud that this 'ere 'orse wot is in the dock is no ovver than the infamous Hamburglar - he may fool you into 'finking he is just a tasty Burger Bun Bum, or a simple LoonyTune, Tuna-face or Pantaloons. Some close circles know 'im by 'is full name Wunderstrike. I 'ave come out from undercover duties to identify that this 'ere 'orse is a 'fief wiv many aliases and i believe it is in the interest of the general public this 'orse is named as a threat to hay everywhere  ... 


  1. Oh I love them all!!!!! I hadn't seen them yet :-) love the hamburglar!
    I've seen 'im off'cer I've seeeeeen 'im! Love the con-air birthday blog :-)

  2. Wunderstrike - not satisfied with his own hay seeing if Connor has any hay he can help himself to through the "window" - Wonder if he realises they have
    the same hay?
